5 Things You Need to do Before You Launch Your First Digital Product

Creating digital products is no easy task! They’re a great way to increase your monthly income and hit your overall revenue goals, but the logistics and backend work can sometimes be a little bit…much. 

You’ve probably got tons of questions, especially if this is your first digital product launch. How the heck do you show off this offer? How do you deliver to people? What do you need to make sure it all goes smoothly once you launch??

If you’re overwhelmed with the thought of actually creating and delivering your digital product, then don’t stress — in today’s video, I’m going to show you a few things you need to get straightened out before it’s go time!

Brainstorming your idea

Coming up with ideas for your offers, especially digital products, takes a lot of creativity and brain power. You can sit and strategize all day, but this is the one place you really need to let yourself think outside the box. 

Whether you’re a pen-and-paper lover or prefer digital notes, get a list together and write your ideas down. They don’t even have to be good! This is just a draft and sometimes those not-so-good ideas can make way for better ones.

Don’t think about coulds and shoulds, just let the ideas flow!

And if you feel stumped, turn on your favorite T-Swift album and dance it out. Give your brain a break. The ideas will come eventually!

Do your research

Next, you need to see if that idea you’ve landed on would even be a viable offer. Is there a market for it within your niche? Is it something people need but may not even know they need yet? Will they be grabbing the chance to get it because your product is the answer?

You need to ask these questions to ensure you have something that can resonate with your people. 

My favorite way to do this is to go on YouTube videos in similar niches and read the comments. What are people talking about? What are they asking to see more of? Are they pointing out any pain points or places where they need more help?

You can use those comments to find the best idea possible.

With digital products, this type of research is CRUCIAL because your aim isn’t to appeal to the masses, or even appeal to all of the problems people may have. Because remember, it’s just to solve ONE problem for ONE person. That’s it!

So take just one concept you see repetitively, and turn that into your money-making idea. 

How to plan out your digital product

Now you need to start listing out what your product will look like and what you want to include. What do you need to get your customers from point A to point B? What problem are you going to solve for them and HOW are you going to do it? 

You could also think about it like this — if you were explaining it to someone who knew nothing about your work, how would you break it down for them? What do they need to know? How many steps are involved? 

This step basically comes down to brainstorming and mapping out your customer's journey as they work through your digital product

Rough draft your sales page

This one’s going to sound a little bit counterintuitive, but stay with me. Before you create the content inside your digital product, write a rough draft of your sales page. 

When you create the sales page draft first, you can add things that paint your offer in the best light and really drive home the point you’re trying to make to your audience. Then, when it’s time to create the digital product, you can be sure that stuff is included. 

Think about it as an additional step to brainstorm and map out what you want to include. It may feel awkward at first, but it’s a good way to smooth out the rough patches of your plan. 

Have a delivery and check-out system ready to go

Nothing’s worse than working hard on your digital product, and then come launch time, no one is buying because they can’t get to it! So make sure you have a checkout system that can process payments and a way to effectively deliver the product (I suggest email). I use FG Funnels [AFF LINK] because it’s a great all-in-one system that can do both. 

And don’t forget this…

Now you know a little more about the logistics of your digital product. Great! But there are just a few more things I want to caution you on before you get started. 

While digital products are a great way to bring in extra income each month, it’s also really easy to make mistakes. And I don’t mean typos or forgetting to drop a photo on your PDF deliverable. I mean mistakes that could be costing you thousands per month! Yikes!!!

Want to know what those mistakes are so you can avoid them? I’ve got six of them for you in the video below. 


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