How You Can Hit $10K Months in Your Business as a Team of One

If you’re running your business as a team of one, and it feels like you’re working on way too many things at once, listen up!! Because more than likely, the problem is that you need to get focused. At least, that’s what I’ve found has helped me hit $10K months in my own biz. 

When I was just starting out, I jumped from idea to idea thinking that each one was a failure if six figures didn’t come out of it…which made me run on the hamster wheel even more! 

I didn’t have a plan for what I needed to do. And that was the one underlying issue to it all. I was having a hard time finding what worked for me, seeing other people have success, and trying to model my methods after them, but the whole time I was never focused on the bigger picture. 

It took me eight years to finally figure that out! So today, we’re going to dive into how you can avoid the years of runaround like me, and finally hit those $10K months. 

Business is kind of like a pool

Last summer when I was working on my business model, I spent a lot of time by the pool watching my kids. And it dawned on me then — business is sorta like a swimming pool.

You’ve got three major steps: Toe dippers, waders, and cannon ballers. Your toe dippers are the lower ticket offers, your mid ticket offers are waders, and the high ticket offers are cannon ballers. Each customer or client goes through these phases. They’re just getting their feet wet, they’re getting used to the water, then they’re ready to go all in. 

And you need to have a journey for people to go through when it comes to working with you. 

You can only work 1:1 with so many clients before you exhaust yourself! You need to have other ways to bring people into your world, have offers for them to buy, and see what it's like to learn from you. Those don’t need to involve tons of time, they just need to help push people further along that sales journey. 

Examples of the business swimming pool 

Let’s use my business model as an example…

Let’s say you’re a graphic designer. It might look something like this…

  • Toe Dipper: Social media templates

  • Wader: DIY your brand graphics

  • Cannon Baller: DFY complete brand

Or a financial planner…

  • Toe Dipper: Mini-course on how to save more money at the grocery store with lists and recipes included

  • Wader: Complete course on frugal living

  • Cannon Baller: 1:1 coaching that helps you get your expenses under control and start saving

When you know your core offers, and where people land along that customer journey, it’s a lot easier to map out a strategy and see what you need to focus on. 

Moving people along the client/customer journey 

Do you have a strategy to move people through this journey too? Because just putting those offers out there and hoping for a bite isn’t a strategy and it’s not going to get people to buy from you! 

So, let’s talk cold leads vs. hot leads. 

A cold lead is someone who doesn’t know a thing about your business and is seeing your content for the first time. Or they may have seen you somewhere once or twice, but they’re not really sure what you do. They haven’t bought anything from you either. 

A hot lead, on the other hand, is someone who has heard of you, and ends up purchasing your low ticket offer. And because they already spent money with you and they’re more likely to do it again. 

Know who you’re talking to 

You also have to know who you’re talking to in your audience. For me, I have agency clients and coaching clients through the offers I showed you above. They’re the same audience, same niche, but different subcategories within that. 

You want to make sure you have the same target audience for each offer, but know how to talk to them within that journey. 

Our agency clients wouldn’t buy Video Strategy Academy, because they’re already paying to have someone do the work for them. But a business owner who’s been binging my videos on YouTube for some time might. 

Yes, both of these groups may be my audience, but how I approach them will be different.

Get your offers in line

I personally believe as a solo business owner trying to get to consistent $10k months, you need to have at least one offer in each of the phases (toe dipper, wader, cannon baller). You’ve got to diversify how you are driving money to your business because you don’t want to be doing client work all the time. 

Not sure how to figure these offers out? 

I actually just put the finishing touches on a quiz you can take to help you find the right business model for you! It’s a quick 5-minute quiz that can help you figure out where to spend your time and focus, so you can create the right offers, boost your revenue, and finally achieve $10K months (on replay)!

Take the quiz here!


Why You Don’t Need More Followers to Hit $10K Months in Your Business


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