How to Use YouTube to Drive Leads to Your Evergreen Funnel

You don’t need to constantly launch to reach a steady income. 

True, launching is important to your overall business strategy, especially when you have a revenue goal in mind like six figures. But it’s not the only way to make money. And the truth is…launches are exhausting. So constantly trying to crank one out will get old fast.

Relying on multiple streams of income also means you have a backup plan in case the other goes awry. And while I don’t like predictability in my guilty pleasure reality TV shows I watch before bed, I do like it in my income. 

So today, I’m going to show you how you can make an evergreen funnel put in the work FOR you by using my favorite thing ever — you guessed it, video — to drive leads with YouTube. Watch or read below. 

Why evergreen?

First, let’s talk about why evergreen can be such a good strategy. 

In all reality, you don’t know what life is going to throw your way. Sick kids, sick days for you, random days needed off of work for XYZ. 

Running your business model around a constant cycle of launches means that when those things happen…you’re SOL when it comes to having a peaceful day. You’ll have no choice but to push through, even when other things need your attention, because launching is the only way you’re making money. 

Plus, launching is exhausting AF and needs a lot of planning to make happen! Need I say more? 

But turning some of your offers into evergreen mode means you can still launch and generate hype, but you also have some wiggle room for life. 

Get the basics of your funnel sorted out first

Before we can talk about how you can drive leads with YouTube, we need to get the basics inside of your evergreen funnel sorted out first.

Choose your tools

I use a couple of really solid tools to keep my business running, and turns out, they work pretty well for evergreen funnels too!

  • FG Funnels for landing pages, email, checkout pages, and general membership site stuff

  • Deadline Funnel

  • Stripe/Pay Pal to process payments

  • Google Analytics to track traffic to the offer

A NOTE ABOUT GOOGLE ANALYTICS: If you want to understand why your evergreen funnel is or isn’t working, you need to understand your traffic. This is a key SO MANY of my clients coming into $10K on Replay are missing, but once they understand it, it becomes MUCH easier to diagnose why something isn’t working. 

Choose your hype piece

Basically, a hype piece is something that is going to encourage your audience to want to know more about the offer by giving them something for free — like a webinar. 

Hype pieces are used in live launches, but in evergreen funnels, they can still drive traffic in the same way. You’re essentially just reminding people that hey, you have that epic offer!

You can also offer a discount for people who sign up for your webinar and through your email sequence remind them their discount is about to disappear…everyone loves a discount!

How to drive traffic to an evergreen funnel with YouTube

Now then, onto YouTube. 

The bottom line, you need people to see your offer to make sales

The industry standard for a conversion rate on an evergreen funnel is between 1.5-3%. If we use 2% as an easy number…for every 100 people that see your webinar registration page…two will buy your course.

Again…traffic, people! 

YouTube is the money maker

If you use YouTube strategically you can create HIGHLY targeted content that will attract qualified buyers. Which may even mean your conversion rates will go up. This also means you don’t need THOUSANDS of subscribers to make consistent sales to your online course!

Can I get a “Booo yeah!”?

And when we look at leads, we always want to make sure that we’re looking at qualified leads. Because ultimately, it doesn’t really matter if 10,000 people see your sales page. If in those 10,000 people, the majority wouldn’t be interested…it’s (kind of) pointless. 

The long-form nature of YouTube is what attracts those types of qualified leads though, because you can provide a higher level of quality. Which *hint hint* leads them to your evergreen offer!

Learn more about driving leads with YouTube

There’s a LOT more about driving leads with YouTube than what I can fit in one blog post (seriously, my channel is full of content like that…how can I possibly condense it down?!)

So instead of subjecting myself to writing it all out and subjecting you to read a dissertation…I’ve got something better in mind. 

If YouTube is a system you want to get set up in your business so you can drive leads to your evergreen offer around the clock, join me inside of $10K On Replay!

You’ll learn everything you need to know about making YouTube do the work FOR you. You’ll walk away with a solid strategy, a money-making value ladder that drives repeat customers…and SO MUCH MORE!!!

And my team and I will help you by providing accountability and expert-lead resources to make it all happen. We’re with you every step of the way, from program start to program finish, to ensure you walk away having that YouTube thing down pat. 

You’ll also get: 

✔️SOPs, templates, swipe copy, and spreadsheets to help you focus on the right things (not just ALL the things)

✔️A 1:1 onboarding call with me to build your custom plan for $10K on Replay

✔️A YouTube strategy build out for evergreen traffic

✔️Access to me and my team through weekly audits, Slack, and hot seat opportunities


It’s gonna be epic. So if you want to join me, fill out an application here!


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