4 Things That Are Stunting Your YouTube Growth (And How to Fix Them Fast)

Spoiler alert!

I'm not on YouTube to be a YouTuber. Quite frankly, I couldn't care less if people are interested in my recipes or in hanging out with me during a "day in the life" video (no shade to anyone who does this either. You do you. I'm just saying it doesn't exactly scream Trena Little).

And I don't pay attention to my subscriber count much anymore either. Subscribers aren't paying my bills. You don't need 10K+ subscribers just for the sake of authority. It isn't making you any money. I had to say it. 

Instead, I'm here to make sure small business owners are getting access to the education and resources they need to grow their business with YouTube. 

So, I choose my content with that in mind. And because a ton of people are constantly commenting over on my Instagram and in my video comment section asking how they can create a solid strategy, I'm here to deliver. 

Today's post is all about bringing to light some commonly overlooked mistakes that may be costing your channel some growth.

You Need to Have Different Types of Content

Don't get caught up on SEO and keyword traffic. It sucks you into a bubble of only creating content for "freebie chasers" or people who aren't really interested in what you're selling or offering, they just want free content. 

SEO isn't bad, but it shouldn't be the only thing. It's a piece of the pie, not the entire pie. You need to understand what your target audience is searching on YouTube to get found by new people. You want to understand what they're searching for so you know exactly the kind of problems they need solutions to, and how YOU can help.

But if it's the only thing you focus on, you're not going to convert. 

Instead, focus on three types of content so you can get a well-rounded channel that builds a connection with your audience while bringing in new people (and getting more eyes on your offers):

  • Visibility content: this is where you build an audience base and get in front of more people faster. This content is all about building your following (not just for the following’s sake — it's to get our business in front of more people so you can make more money down the line).

  • Community content: this is where you connect with your audience and show them how you're different from the hundreds, if not thousands, of other people doing your exact same job. What makes people want to buy from you is their connection with you. End of story. 

  • Sales content: videos that drive traffic to your website, so people know what you're offering. 

You Have to Create Bingeable Content on YouTube

YouTube loves it when people binge videos because it means more money. The longer you watch a video and make it to the end, the more ads YouTube can place on that video, and if you're doing this to 7 or 8 videos in one sitting, YouTube is making bank. 

And you know what is killing your ability to get viewers to stay to the end of your video? Repurposing your videos and slapping them together on YouTube.

When people head over to YouTube to consume content, there's a level of expectation as to what that content will be like. When people see that your video is just a repurposed podcast or Facebook Live, they will click out. 

Or when you've got links that send them off of YouTube in every video (bonus points for multiple times in one video). YouTube isn't exactly a fan of that type of content because they want people to stay on their platform as much as possible. 

My solution for this? The Firework Approach. 

Every month, you've got one core video that directs people off of YouTube and onto your sales page or website, while the rest of your videos (spark videos) lead people to watch other videos on your channel. 

YouTube will see this binging and push your content to more people, and eventually, they'll find that core video and make their way to your website. Patience, my friends, patience.

Have a Video Game Plan

Random vlogging and rambling on and on isn't going to get you very far. YouTube has changed a lot since its early days, and now more than ever, you have to be suuuuper strategic about the content you publish. That is if you're interested in making money, of course.

Here's the outline I recommend:

  • Start with your title and thumbnail: they highlight what people can expect to get from your video, so creating this first ensures you will mention it at the very beginning of your video. Retention drops off the most within the first five seconds, so make sure you will deliver on what you've promised them. 

  • Structure your content: again, make it match the title and thumbnail. Have a relatable hook that grabs attention right away. 

  • Intro: state who you are and who you're creating content for. But please, no branded intros or pointless chit-chat.

  • Avoid signaling the video is about to wrap up: the end screen click, or what people are clicking on when your video is over, is one of the most overlooked, yet SO important, metrics on YouTube. If you tell them your video is about to end, people aren't going to finish your video, which will hurt your metrics and your chance to get them to your sales page or to watch another video.

Make Improvements With Each Video

Doing the same thing over and over and expecting different results is the literal definition of insanity. I know you've heard that a thousand times, but it's a cliche because it's true. 

Don't keep doing the same thing with your videos and content strategy, and expect your click-through rate or follower count to change. If you're struggling anywhere in your game plan or on your videos, you need to make a change.

Take a deep dive into your YouTube analytics, both for your channel and for each video. Something you think is amazing might be keeping your subscribers from growing or your videos from getting higher CTRs. Check on your CTR to see where people are drawn to and understand how you can start amplifying your traffic.

And be honest with yourself — is your channel subscribable? Are you actively showing people (subtly, don't be obnoxious. When I hear "I'm different from others because…" I'm clicking that big red X right away) that you're different from the thousands of other content creators in your industry?

Tapping into this will do more than just grow your following — you'll see your email list grow, your opt-ins grow, and ultimately, your business revenue grow.

Boost YouTube Strategy on the Go

When you're trying to grow your business, be a mom, a wife, a friend, and make sure your house doesn't look like the set of Twister after they stopped filming, learning something new just kinda seems…bleh. 

And if you're anything like me, you're constantly on the go, so sitting at the computer for another 3 hours every night sifting through another course you bought (and knowing you probably won't finish) isn't exactly doable. 

What if I told you that there was a way you could tackle work, learn something new, and wrangle those kids?

The Video Reframed Podcast is the perfect way to get easy-to-consume strategy tips for YouTube and more while you're on the go. Just pop in your air pods, or hook up your phone to the car speaker and enjoy strategic advice from someone who’s been in your shoes.

ach episode is LESS than 30 minutes, so you don't have to feel like you're chained to yet another commitment just to learn a thing or two about running a successful YouTube channel. 

Sounds cool? You can listen to The Video Reframed Podcast on Apple Podcasts! We drop a new episode every week — make sure you subscribe so you don't miss a thing!


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