Plan The BEST YouTube Video… Everything You Should Say In Your Video!

Whether you're in the very beginning stages of planning your first YouTube video, or want to uplevel your current content (i.e., get more people to watch to the end and ultimately subscribe), then you're in the right place.

While getting videos done is better than waiting until they’re perfect enough to publish, there are some crucial mistakes you should avoid and some best practices that'll help transform your YouTube channel into your strongest lead generator.

I've personally created over 500 YouTube videos in the last six years, and my team and I plan over 60 videos a month for our clients. No matter where you are in your video creation journey, these four do’s and don'ts will be a game-changer.

But first…

The first thing you need to do is plan for your video by deciding what the end goal is. I know this sounds a little strange, but trust me on this one. Each YouTube video should be designed to do something useful because it can't do everything.

Here are a few examples:

  • Videos designed to make sales — people are directed to the sales page.

  • Videos designed to build visibility and reach more people — encourage the viewer to watch more videos.

  • Videos designed to grow subscribers — a call to action button to subscribe, especially when starting something new like a series.

But a YouTube video cannot do all of these at one time. Determine your goal, then plan out how that video will drive viewers to action.

Once you know where your video is headed, break up your content into five different sections (because content planning is key!).

  • Hook

  • Intro (avoid branded intros)

  • Content

  • Call to Action

  • Engagement

Separating your content by sections will help you stay focused on your target goal throughout the entire video. You'll know what your talking points are and ensure each one has a purpose.

DO have a call to action in every single video

A call to action is more than just saying, “Like, comment, and subscribe!" What do you actually want people to do with your content?

Call-to-action buttons are one of the most important pieces of your video. They drive action whether that's to another video, your Instagram, or your sales page. They are your BFF in driving leads.

They could look like:

  • "Watch this video for more info on…."

  • "Want to know more about…? Head over to my website, and I'll show you how to…."

  • "I got a great video for you that covers…click below to watch!"

These don't have to be verbatim. Just whatever you do, DO NOT say "Like, comment, and subscribe!"

Even though these things play a huge role in the success of your YouTube channel, don't ask people this right away. You need time to build trust and let viewers warm up to you. Why do they want to like, comment, and subscribe if they have no idea what your channel is about?

​​DO use B-roll to make your video more engaging

B-roll is a fun way for your audience to get a peek behind the scenes and to remind them that you're an actual person, not just a face on a screen. It adds flair and a little more depth to videos.

Just don't wait until the very end to show your b-roll, right before you get to your call to action. Instead of watching until the video is actually over, people will assume the B-roll means curtains are closing and skip everything else you have to say.

DON'T repeat the title of your video on the thumbnail

Don’t get this confused: I DO want you to add text and title screens to your video. Just don’t make the title of your video the same as your thumbnail. I see this happen ALL THE TIME!

Adding text and title screens is a great way to break up your content and keep your viewers engaged. However, if you add your title to the thumbnail, you're wasting valuable space.

People can see the video title right next to the thumbnail whether they're browsing the search results or browsing your page.

Instead, stick with something that will "fit in" but also stand out a bit. You want to get people to stop scrolling.

Not sure what your thumbnail should say? Here are a couple ways to figure that out:

  • Look at what other people in your niche are doing

  • Check past videos to see which videos got the most clicks from YouTube browsing or search

These questions and the research that comes with them will help guide you when creating your thumbnails.

DON'T chit chat or use branded intros

I promise you… no one wants to watch a 2-minute commercial for your business. No more branded intros (#sorrynotsorry). Your viewers are here to get the info they clicked on your video for. If they want to know more about your biz, they'll click on your website.

And no, no one is dying to know what you had to eat today.

My top-performing videos get to the point right away. Retention gets lost BIG TIME at the beginning of your video, so you need to make the first 5-10 seconds count. Get down to business by delivering on the promise you made in your title. Reinforce what they're going to see/learn.

Stumped on what to say?

Look at your audience retention. I did that for this video to figure out how I could make the best hook to keep viewers watching, as well as find areas where people were peacing out. And yes, this typically happens when I get off topic. See how important it is to stay grounded?

Want even more ways to uplevel your YouTube Channel?

Want to level up your YouTube game and make sure people are clicking, watching, and taking action? You’re in the right place, my friend. That’s because I'm so excited to announce that the Video Strategy academy 3.0 is NOW OPEN FOR REGISTRATION! Grab your seat in my revamped online course dedicated to helping you master your video content strategy!

If you're…

🤦🏼‍♀️ getting stuck on content ideas

👋🏻 seeing your audience retention fall despite working hard on your videos

🔍 in need of a proven strategy to get you noticed

📈 ready to harness the power of YouTube content to grow your biz and land you your dream clients

Then go get registered!

The doors are open for a very limited amount of time, and I'm not sure when this course will be back. If you want to get serious about your YouTube channel, now is the time, friend!

Register for the Video Strategy Academy 3.0 here!


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