Is Your Marketing Strategy Not Working? Here’s What to Do

If you’ve had a hard time selling or booking clients recently, or feel like business, in general, has gotten harder, you aren’t alone. Our current economic state isn’t exactly top-notch, and with changes coming left and right on social media, it just feels like a lot.

And while it does suck to be at the whim of so many factors outside our control, this can be a great opportunity to look at what’s working and what’s not inside our businesses. Because struggles don’t mean your business is failing — it’s just a reminder that we need to evolve with changes.

Let’s take a look at some of the things you can reconsider or adjust in 2023 if you feel like your marketing strategy isn’t working!

Wait…are ads still working?

A recent article from Forbes says there have been shifts over the last few years that have led to more competitive and expensive Facebook ads. Two of the main reasons for this are:

  1. Brands are not able to reach their target audience because the algorithm is prioritizing content from friends and family.

  2. Businesses are also using the platform more, leading to a surge in ad inventory demand.

Overall, brands are no longer able to build organic reach, which has led to increased competition for ad space.

I’m not saying ads are dead in any way, but if you are a team of one or two trying to make consistent sales, they probably aren’t the place you want to gamble on right now. That is, until you have a proven offer and funnel that is converting. 

Organic content for small businesses

The Social Shepherd predicts brands are going to be taking organic content MORE seriously. Organic social content often gets neglected, but 2023 will be the year when many will realize that it’s a crucial part of their marketing strategy. 

In what I’ve seen in the industry in the last year alone, this has truth to it.

This article also talks about focusing on specific platforms, instead of jumping into everything that’s available. Meaning, brands will focus on fewer platforms depending on where their audience is and double down on what's working for them.

And this is something I’m changing my perspective on because times have changed. Successful content strategies mean QUALITY over QUANTITY.

YouTube is still the leader of the pack

You know I love YouTube, and for good reason. 

First off, because it consistently helps increase traffic, generate leads, and boost sales. YouTube is honestly the best long-form evergreen content you can invest in because it will not only build your credibility with your audience but will help you build an audience of BUYERS.

If you create a 10 to 15-minute video, and someone watches the entire video, then they are MUCH more likely to be primed to buy an offer than someone who watches a 15-second Reel. Don’t get me wrong, short-form video content has its purpose. But the content that is going to drive you more ROI is longer form video content. I stand by that. 

SEO plays a role in driving leads

SEO-generated traffic can only come from organic content (another reason in Love YouTube — it’s great for SEO!). 

In my agency, we had to test our current marketing strategy and how we started to make data-driven decisions. We wanted to see if that organic content was really getting us anywhere. 

Our biggest product push during that time was Going Video. We ended up having an 8% conversion rate from YouTube-generated traffic, and 12% from Instagram-generated traffic. 

This tells us that our organic marketing strategy is working pretty well. It looks like the content from our top two platforms is doing its job…and we didn’t even have to pay for ads!

P.S. — you can find industry average conversion rates here!

How to tell if your marketing strategy is working

I can’t tell you with certainty if your marketing strategy is working or not. But here’s what I know — if you have healthy conversion rates, then you must be doing something right. 

However, if you do want that clarity, then invite you to join me inside of $10K on Replay where I’ll show you how to find it!

This is my coaching group where you’ll learn how to tell if your marketing strategy, and offer stack, are working for your business as a whole. You’ll get expert advice, coaching from me, and a whole lot more. Sound like your thing? Join me here!


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