Why the Key to Business Success Isn't Another Course or Mastermind

If you’ve been on Instagram for more like 13 seconds, you know there are so many inputs about the key to business success. (Too many, if I’m being honest.) We’re told that you need XYZ course to hit 6 figures, or you need to join this mastermind if you really want to find the offers that sell in your sleep.

I’ll be honest: For a while, I was sucked in.

The result? I set unnecessarily high expectations for me and my business — and it started to give me panic attacks. I was putting so much stress on myself to do it all and I ended up going nowhere with that mentality.

Hustling and working more hours doesn't always mean success. Sure, there are seasons of life when you have to give a little more than others, but it shouldn't be a consistent theme in your life.

When I started doing less is when my businesses started to thrive. You don't have to be doing all the things.

Course creation, coaching, providing services, social media every day, podcasts, speaking…you just have to do what will bring financial stability to your business.

In 2021, I had to reevaluate where I was going with my business because, truthfully, it's been a pretty hard two years. I was stressed, having panic attacks, and overall just feeling like I was in a funk.

I had to recenter by quitting the things that weren't lighting my fire or moving the needle forward. When you have one without the other, that's a perfect setup for burnout.

Quitting these four things has helped me get back to feeling passionate about my content, my clients, and my business, and I hope they'll do the same for you!

My Agency

Saying no to work was one of the hardest habits to build, but it's been one of the best practices I have for success.

In the last two years, I decided just ONE offer was good enough. There's only one way to work with me through my agency, and there are NO exceptions.

This helped me re-visualize the bigger picture and has kept me focused on what really matters in my business, so I can keep showing up fully for what matters outside of my business.

Certain Client Personas

What do I always say? If you make content for everyone, you're making content for no one. And when it comes to your clients, that sentiment rings true too.

Niching isn't just a phrase I talk about on repeat so you can grow your YouTube channel. It's something I put into practice every day in my own business.

There are some people I know I can't serve well either because our project expectations don't align, they want something I don't offer, our work styles are too different, or our values just straight up don't align.

You don't HAVE to say yes to every person that appears in your inbox. Be humble enough to take the opportunities your way but don't sacrifice your peace of mind for them either.

Perfection and Guilt

Hi, it's me, Trena, your favorite YouTuber, and Enneagram 3 perfectionist.

I used to let perfectionism RUN my life. I kind of felt that if I wasn't doing everything the best it could possibly be (not the best I could do or give in that moment, which is all you really can give), I was failing.

To get where I wanted to be, to where I am now, I had to kick that mindset to the curb.

It's not being humble. Being humble is totally different. Perfectionism is hurtful — you put too much unnecessary pressure on yourself to be something you can't be.

You can't show up for your employees, clients, and most importantly, family and friends when you're too preoccupied with being perfect. It’s a reality that just doesn't exist, friends.

It's still something I struggle with every day, but I'm learning to be free and comfortable with the best that I can give in that moment.

Shiny Object Syndrome

Less is more when it comes to business. You don't have to do everything to see results. You may HATE Reels because they suck the life out of you, but for this season of your business, it’s okay to cut them out of your content plan.

Don't force yourself to do things you don't want to do. It's your business, and you call the shots (unless, of course, it's your taxes, then the IRS kind of does that).

The most important thing isn't cranking out more content. It's making sure you take care of yourself. You'll never get anywhere if you're trying to do 50 things at once. Like your computer, you're going to shut down if you've got too many tabs open in your brain.

Instead, focus on where you can show up and make the most impact.

It Doesn't Hurt to Have Like-Minded People Around You Either

To make sure I actually implemented these cuts in my business, I knew I would need accountability. I took a leap to invest in a mastermind with people who were MUCH smarter than me.

Not going to lie, it was scary as hell. I've done masterminds before, but they were kind of a waste of time. What I DID get from them, though, were connections, showing me that we're all struggling with something.

The investment was one of the biggest investments I've ever made in my business. Being around people who run the kind of businesses I wanted to run ended up being a major contributor for helping me reach the next level of my business.

If I could take anything away from my experience with masterminds, it's that we aren't alone in this entrepreneurship thing.


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How to Keep Showing Up For Your Business (Even When You Feel Like Quitting)