This YouTube Strategy Gained 11,500 Subscribers and 375,000 Views in 90 Days

What would you do if you knew you couldn’t fail?

Okay wait, let’s back up for a second there, Steve Jobs. You don’t have to be thinking about creating the next biggest thing. Let me reframe — what would you do if you finally did that thing you were scared to do? In your business. 

Would you have more free time? Would you finally get eight hours of sleep?

When your business is making money without you having to monitor and work on it 24/7, that’s exactly what you can do. 

Aspiring to run a more efficient business doesn’t mean you’re suddenly a part of the black turtleneck-wearing crowd. It can mean something as “small” as getting more hours in the day so you can take your kids to the park a few times a week. Or investing in some much-needed R&R so you can keep showing up for the people in your life. 

I’ve said it before and I’ll keep on saying it until the cows come home — YouTube is your answer.

Don’t believe me? That’s fine, just don’t write me off until you hear from my friend Katy Wells about how it’s totally transformed her business.

Meet Katy

Katy Wells is the host of The Maximized Minimalist Podcast, a globally recognized Top 50 podcast that features simplifying strategies for decluttering your home and interviews with guests like New York Times Best Selling authors Rachel Cruze, Greg McKeown, and Laila Ali.

Katy offers several declutter courses – The Clutter Cure®, The Toy Clutter Cure®, and 14-Day Clutter Crusher Challenge – that have helped over 250,000 families across the world find freedom from clutter and take their home from stressful to restful.

Why Katy decided to start focusing on YouTube 

Katy is no stranger to long-form publications. As the host of a wildly successful podcast, she’s well aware of the work it takes to create this content and strategize it for success. However, YouTube wasn’t something she’d dipped her toes into until this last year. 

“I knew it was time to stop focusing on Instagram and creating content that wasn’t evergreen. I knew it was time to do something that would see results instead of wearing me out. I love that YouTube is also a search engine, so it's completely different from other social media platforms. As someone who has been podcasting non-stop for three years, it felt like the next step for my business. 

I love how I can reuse content from my podcast to make YouTube videos. It’s super simple, and I’m always amazed at the results. It helps bring everything full circle.”

How Katy was generating content before YouTube

“I've been podcasting every single week since 2019, but I don’t advertise on it, so my CTAs are always pointing to my courses or membership. I've built a community with my listeners — and a lot of them have followed me on Instagram

I chose it because I’m introverted and didn’t think I could make a YouTube video. I wanted to find my voice and niche down and find out how I wanted to deliver content. This set me up to confidently go to YouTube, but podcasting was my main source of lead generation.”

From camera shy to confident

When I asked Katy what took her so long to get started, she said,

“I did not want to be on camera!  I don’t have training and I thought you had to be like an actor to make YouTube videos and force being natural. I’m also pretty laid back when it comes to hair and makeup…I like to take the ‘take me as I am’ approach to it, and I honestly didn’t want to have to think about that all the time. 

And then there’s the YouTube trolls. I was worried about how it might affect me. I saw mean comments on other videos from people I admire, so it made me think I was going to have to subject myself to that. But that happens no matter what platform you’re on.

But everything feels great now though. Your team has helped me work through some of those issues and I’m much more comfortable being on camera now that I know what I’m doing. It's more natural than I thought it would be, and I think it’s because of your help walking me through scripts and structuring my content.”

What surprised Katy the most about YouTube

“I'm surprised how fast my account grew. It goes to show you that the strategy, and all the work you and your team puts in, actually works. The titles, thumbnails, all the little stuff I wouldn’t have thought about. There was so much attention to detail in that. The right strategy will work. 

I’ve gotten a lot of views, but it's also turned into leads and sales. I have a lot of low-ticket offers and it helped bring people there. I can directly attribute it to YouTube!”

She’s not kidding either! Katy grew over 11,500 subscribers and 375,000 views in less than 90 days from starting her channel!

How Katy pairs YouTube with a top-notch podcast

Podcasting and YouTube make a great pair. Katy found that repurposing content to post cross-platform has not only made it easier to show up on YouTube but on other social media platforms as well. 

“Making my videos and turning them into reels which has made things easier. Once I understood the script flow on YouTube, it gave me better direction to create Reels. My views are up. I'm double dipping in a sense and not having to do twice the work, and YouTube has helped connect it all!”

Evergreen content is king

And when I asked her what she wishes more business owners like her knew about YouTube, she said,

“Content on YouTube is evergreen. I was just talking to someone who makes one Reel every day and is super burnt out even though her content is super valuable and she has a great following. I told her about YouTube, and she just could not believe it.

I may spend an hour making a video on YouTube but hey it'll still drive results over and over. Reels don't do that. It's also a search engine and understanding that has been a game changer. Because everything is so strategic, I’m getting more intentional followers, not just people who may follow at random.”

What’s holding you back?

See what happens when you let go of fear? 

YouTube really is a game changer — and the proof is there. Video content keeps growing in popularity, and it continues to drive leads. So let me ask you, what’s holding you back? What could you do if you had leads running around the clock without you lifting a finger?

That’s what YouTube can do for you, my friend. Just like Katy. 

If you’re ready to make it happen, check out my YouTube Production Package! You’ll get help setting up your YouTube channel for success and creating video content like a pro. I’ll help you build a channel with all the need-to-know resources that you can feel confident and comfortable using on your own!

But if working with an agency isn’t the right move for you right now, don’t worry — Video Strategy Academy is here to help. 

This is your fast-track system to unlocking the secrets of what makes YouTube tick — aka make you money! It includes 6 modules, a private Facebook group where you can ask questions and share success stories while learning from others, AND tons of bonuses to help you get started and keep the momentum going long after you’ve finished. 

If you’re ready to see success with Video Strategy Academy, follow me here!


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