How I Review YouTube Analytics to Grow a YouTube Channel

Your YouTube Analytics can feel like a scary place to venture into but the truth is that YouTube Analytics are going to give you all the information you need to grow your YouTube channel. In this video, I'm going to not only give you a YouTube analytics tutorial (you could even call it a YouTube analytics tutorial for beginners!), I'm going to show you how to use YouTube analytics to help you grow your channel! We're going to dig into my favorite YouTube analytics tips, and by the time we're done, you'll understand how to use YouTube analytics for your channel.

Before we really dig into the analytics, I want to give you a disclaimer. YouTube analytics can be a huge time suck and a demotivator. Looking at your analytics can kind of make you feel like you're not doing a great job with your channel, especially early on! But here's the thing- you have to be willing to analyze your channel from the viewers perspective over your own.

This means that while your content may be great, it might not be the content your viewer is looking for. So instead of feeling down about it or getting lost on a rabbit trail, set a timer for how long you're going to dig into those analytics.

If you have a lot of time to immerse yourself into your analytics, I say go for it! But if your time is limited, set a timer. In the video above, I'm going to show you the quick and dirty of how to review your analytics. Be sure to follow along above!


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