5 Small tweaks to make your videos MORE PROFESSIONAL [& show you BIG ROI $$$]

Making professional videos from home isn't as challenging as you might think! In fact, there are a few tweaks you make right now that will improve your video content without you having to invest in a new camera. In this video, we're going to dig into how to make professional videos using the equipment you already have!

I'm going to be using my cell phone to film this video so that you can see how to film yourself to make your videos more professional. Video is absolutely the way for you to up your content marketing plan and I want to show you how to do it!

Ready to dive in? There are a few areas you can tweak right now!


Your lighting is so important when it comes to creating professional looking video content. While you may have a great window that provides awesome natural lighting, sometimes that can be tricky to work with. Especially if you're trying to film on a day when clouds are moving in and out. This can create uneven lighting which can cause the lighting in your video to noticeably shift.

You also don't want to have a window to your back because this will cause your face to be darkened and won't be as clear. So what can you do? You don't need to go out and buy a fancy ring light yet!

Instead, I got a clip on ring light that attaches right to my phone. My daughter uses this for virtual school and it works well. The best part? You can get one for under $20!

Your Background.

This is what we in the biz like to call framing. You want to pay attention to your background but you don't need to go out and get a professional studio set up. Instead, you want to make sure your background and clear and had a bit of depth.

If you watch the video above, you'll see how I angle my camera and chair to provide a more eye pleasing experience and this is so easy to replicate!


Audio is another one of those things that is so so important to video quality. You'll want to ensure that you don't have any background sounds going on. This means checking for humming of air conditioners.

Another option is to add an external microphone. This will totally up the quality of your audio!

Always Open with a Hook.

Instead of starting with a "hey guys!" open with a real attention grabbing hook. You have only a few seconds to grab the attention of your audience to get them to stick around. Thanks to TikTok and platforms of the like, people's attention spans are shorter than ever. Having a solid hook will combat that!

Know Your Call to Action FIRST!

This means you need to have a game plan. Know what your goal is for the video and instead of asking your audience to do a million things, you can ask for one specific thing. This reduces your audience's overwhelm and will lead to more results that you can measure!

Want to dig in further? Click the video above!

And don't forget to grab your FREE ticket to the Video Reframed Summit! 13 speakers over 3 days are going to dig into video content so you can take control of your video content and make it work for you!


[VLOG]How I Batch Create Video Content: 6 Weeks Of Video Content in 5 Hours!


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