4 Ways to Build a Social Media Strategy That Works

While social media has allowed so many of us to build a business without the traditional ways of building a business (helloooo, cold calling — #NoThanks), that doesn’t mean it’s always easy. 

There’s always a new platform popping up and we’re told that if we aren’t on it, we’re missing out on “really great opportunities to grow our business!” 

And then, we have to deal with all the crazy updates that come along with each of those platforms on top of the different types of content we need to create to get it juuuust right on each one. 

You’re probably not a social media manager (if you are, welcome!). So as a business owner, how do you keep up with all of this in a way that serves your business? 

You’re using social media to drive traffic to your offers, and that's exactly what you should be focusing on. Not gaining followers. Not going viral. You need to make social media work for you in a way that brings leads to your offers and makes you money. 

If you’ve been struggling to find that balance with social media, read on! I’ve got a few tricks up my sleeve that I think may just be able to help. 

Focus on a platform that gives you the biggest bang for your buck

The real reason you feel like you’re spending all your time on social media? It’s because you are. Content on Instagram only has a life span of 48 hours. And that's why it feels like you can’t grow.

No surprise as to why I decided to just focus on YouTube. I realized that the power video had and would probably continue having (and my hunch was correct!) was insane. I knew that to have the visibility I was after and to bring leads to my business, I was going to have to focus on a platform where the content lives long.

Don’t worry about being on all the platforms when you get started, focus on one that’s going to give you longer-lasting content.

Repurpose wisely

Repurposing is a great way to save time and get the most out of your content, but that doesn’t mean it’s all a good idea to reuse. If you’re not using it in a way that will best serve the platform, then the chances of it doing well aren’t so good. You wouldn’t repurpose the same content on YouTube for Pinterest. Or Twitter to TikTok. 

This is another reason why focusing on even just one YouTube video per week can help simplify your social media strategy and make it feel more bearable in the long run.

The entirety of my social media strategy focuses on my weekly YouTube videos. From that one video, we pull clips for stories, Reels, and TikToks. We turn it into a blog and use them as the baseline for some of our feed posts on Instagram and Pinterest.

When you start repurposing for the platform your reach and return on social media will be much, much, better.  

Encourage engagement

Social media isn’t a one-way conversation. You aren’t there just to pump out content and get it off of your to-do list. You’re there to make connections. 

Engage in conversations, ask questions, and respond to people. As business owners, we have to be social!

Incorporate ways you can get people to engage in every piece of your content. I do this with every single YouTube video I create. I can’t just be talking AT YOU, I want this to be a back-and-forth conversation. And this is something you can do no matter what platform you’re on.  

Create a plan and stick with it for 90 days

If you’re not setting goals or intentions for your content plan, how are you going to know if it works or not? And yes, that means sticking with a plan for enough to see what results it will bring — and whether or not those are quality results. 

Don’t just create content for the sake of creating content. Plan out something you want to achieve, like XX amount of Reels views, and work towards that. 

And sticking with 90 days (or by quarters) is enough to collect solid data but not too long that it feels draining to keep up with (entrepreneurs with shiny object syndrome, that means us!). 

During this time, you can focus on things like: 

  • What platform you’ll focus on

  • Map out goals for each piece of content

  • Getting likes, comments, shares, etc to make your posts more engaging

  • Staying with the plan to have an accurate sense of where things are going

You don’t need to pull out all the bells and whistles to build a social media content plan that works. You don’t need to make it fancy. But what you do need is a strategy that doesn’t burn you out, accomplishes your goals, and builds connections with your audience.

This is exactly why I LOVE YouTube (if you couldn’t tell by now). 

Set the baseline for your YouTube strategy

Anytime I post to YouTube, there’s always a much bigger picture at play than just posting a video. If you haven’t noticed, I’m not a vlogger or a celebrity. I’m a business owner, so that means everything I post has to be bringing leads. 

And that one video I post serves as the baseline for the rest of my content (and…supports the overall goal of bringing people to my website). 

But trying to make it all fit together can feel a little bit like throwing spaghetti noodles at the wall. That’s why you need a content plan! And really, there's never been a better time to put an effective social media strategy in place for your business.
In this video, I walk you through how I use YouTube as the hub for everything I do on social media. Give it a watch and start tackling that plan before you worry about what to post.


My Secrets For Creating a Content Calendar that Doesn’t Burn Me Out


What’s ACTUALLY Working on YouTube in 2022