How To Build An Online Community With Video

Happy Monday!

Now that I have my own business and love what I do, I no longer loathe those terrible Monday mornings!  Or have to come up with a reason why I can't make it to work.

But one of the hardest things about leaving a 9-5 is losing a sense of community right?  You are now home alone doing it all yourself and no one around you!

It may seem like a dream at first but after a few weeks, months... it starts to get a little lonely!  Have you felt this way?

Well one of the most important things you can do for your business growth is to create an online community.  Not only for your sanity but also to build your authority with people in your community.

People are never going to buy from some rando they found on the internet.  They have to get to know you.  They want to interact from you.  They want to see what you have to say and share.  That's why creating a community is so important!

So how do you go about creating a community?  One of the best ways I found to create an online community it through video content and specifically through Youtube.  A lot of people don't realize the amazing community that develops over on Youtube.  We tend to forget it too is a social media platform!

In today's video I'm sharing with you why I decided to start creating video content on my very first Youtube channel and why I was longing for community.

Check out the video by clicking the image below:

Comment below:

  • What online community are you a part of that you LOVE!
  • Are you currently trying to create an online community?
  • What do you struggle with most when it comes to developing your online community?

Not sure which platform you should focus on?  Facebook Live, Youtube, Instagram Stories... confused?  This guide walks you through the pros and cons of each to help you decide which is right for you and your business.  Plus a worksheet to help you come up with video ideas AND 10 free video ideas to get started!  Enter your email address below to get the guide!


How To Be Confident On Camera


How To Feel Comfortable On Camera